Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The fear that I sense rising in another does not cause me to become afraid.
The anger that grows and seethes in someone else does not bring anger into my mind and heart.
If they feel the need to judge, I do not have to judge them for doing so. 
Nor do I have to feel that I am the object of their judgment.

My life does not belong to them. My life does not even belong to me. The phrase “my life” is a misnomer. I did not give myself life. I cannot keep it forever. Life was given to me. I live it but I am only a steward of it. 

When I say “my life” this does not denote ownership but rather responsibility. I have been given a gift and how I manage it, help it to grow, waste it or share it may be within my power to some extent and for a limited period of time but ultimately Life is beyond my control and complete understanding.

Comparisons are a waste. They are judgments made to seek to add or subtract value to ourselves relative to others. I am of infinite value...not for how I think or look; not for what I have or give away; not for my accomplishments or perceived failures but because I am. 

You are of infinite value as well.

I have complete choice to love or not. I can give with no expectation of gaining a debt owed to me. I can “lay down” this life for another whether they give in return or not. 

I can choose.

I live in the same paradox that we all do...whether we recognize it or not...that it is often in letting go that we gain and when we try to hang on to something or someone we end up losing it or them all together. 

Many times life only makes sense when we cease our demanding that it must do so.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's not about where I'm going
or even the places I've been
It is the right here - right now
that is all-essential

Looking back is only good for
learning from and being thankful for
Gazing forward only helps to remind
that each future point in time
will have been influenced 
by how this moment is lived

Spending too much time dwelling on
the “then”
keeps us from indwelling
the “now”
Poets, sages and great leaders of faith
have taught this at different times
using similar words

It's not about where I'm going
or even the places I've been
It is the right here - right now
that is all